Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I'm working on my next project - an actual (if small) game. It's called "Kampaku".

One day I noticed that nearly all war games are about fighting, when in reality (at least, hundreds of years ago) much war was about maneuvering and cutting supply lines. So, I set out to build a game about military endeavors where cutting and defending supply lines is as critical as actually capturing cities. It's simple, but already appears to be deep. It also comes with a whole bunch of fun information options - fog of war, for example.

I'm not sure if it's fun yet: the enemy AI isn't programmed.

I'm not entirely sure how long it will take to program. I'm hoping the core program will be done by Monday, and level scripting only a week further. However, at the moment, I have a bug. One of those bitchy ones that doesn't go away even after hammering your head against it for hours. It would help to have a real debug suite for T2D.

1 comment:

Craig Perko said...

Err... I think you have very much the wrong idea.

The game isn't anything like go, and it's totally unlike anything even vaguely related to Alpha Centauri.

Adding a central theme (supply lines) as a feature to an existing game is asking to fail. This is a simple, casual game I'm building specifically because it makes you think differently than most other wargames. Also, it should allow me to test various theories...