Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Finding Finder

Holy shit! Darius was right! Carla Speed McNeil's putting Finder on the internet! For free, even.

Which is actually a bit strange, since it's better than every pay-to-read webcomic out there combined...

If you haven't read Finder, you can find my favorite story here - online free! Wow! As well as my second favorite story arc here.

Then, go buy the trades. You can buy them here. Honestly, this is a comic made to be held in your hands. If you like what you see, don't read it on-line. Buy the trades. Tell her I sent you. She'll reply, "who?"

If I had to come up with my top three favorite comic series ever, two of the slots I would argue with myself for hours, but the other slot belongs to Finder.

Seriously, read a bit of it, then go buy it.

If you have read the early stuff, you can find the much-awaited (by me, at least) "Five Crazy Women" online here.

The internet is richer than it was before.

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